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McHenry County CoC Strategic Plan

The McHenry County Continuum of Care to End Homelessness 2019-2022 Strategic Plan can be found by clicking the link below. 

2019-2022 Strategic Plan

McHenry County CoC Bylaws

The current Bylaws of the McHenry County Continuum of Care to End Homelessness can be found by clicking the link below.

For more information on CoC governance and structure, please click here

CoC Bylaws

McHenry County CoC Standing Committee Charters

The current Charters of the CoC Standing Committees can be found by clicking the link below. For more information on CoC governance and structure, please click here


CoC Standing Committee Charters

Policies & Procedures

CoC Unified Funding Agency (UFA) Policies & Procedures 

CoC Coordinated Entry Policies & Procedures

CoC Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Policies and Procedures (Privacy, Security, and Data Quality Plan)


Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Data Reports

The McHenry County CoC regularly generates reports regarding local homelessness and the performance of the local homeless system. The most recent version of each report can be found by clicking the links below. 


Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Count (Date)

The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is an annual count of sheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January within the McHenry County homeless system. Every other year, this count also includes a count of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness. The Housing Inventory Count (HIC) is an annual point-in-time inventory of homeless beds and housing units within the CoC’s network of providers. Each count is planned, coordinated, and carried out locally, and included on the same report.



System Performance Measures Report (Date)

System Performance Measures are a set of 7 performance indicators introduced by the 2009 HEARTH Act amendment to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The HEARTH Act emphasizes viewing the local homeless response as a coordinated system of assistance options rather than as programs and funding sources that operate independently. To facilitate this perspective, the HEARTH Act requires communities to measure the performance of their entire CoC homeless system annually using the below measures:

Measure 1:  Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless

Measure 2: The Extent to Which Persons Who Exit Homelessness Return to Homelessness

Measure 3: Number of Homeless Persons

Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons in CoC Program-funded Projects

Measure 5: Number of Persons who Become Homeless for the First Time

Measure 6: Homelessness Prevention and Housing Placement of Persons Defined by Category 3 of HUD’s Homeless Definition in CoC Program-funded Projects

Measure 7: Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in Retention of Permanent Housing


Longitudinal System Analysis (Date)

The Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) is an annual report submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that also emphasizes the CoC as a coordinated system and provides critical information about how people experiencing homelessness use the CoC’s system of care.

Annual Performance Reports (Date)

Recipients with HUD funding received through CoC homeless assistance grants (e.g., Supportive Housing Program, Shelter Plus Care, Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy Program, CoC Program) are required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) electronically to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) every operating year. This report outlines the performance of each grant project funded by HUD for that time frame. The McHenry County CoC has Unified Funding Agency (UFA) status, which means it submits two different APR’s to HUD each year – one for all renewal HUD grant projects, and one for all new HUD grant projects – rather than a separate APR for each grant project in the CoC.

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